JFE Shoji Power Canada Inc.

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Explore content from the industry thought leader.
Every month we add more and more valuable JFE content, all based on a particular industry trend or event, for you to explore and enjoy. You can browse through our previous pieces below, including "Resilience Redefined" and "Looking Back to Look Forward".

Resilience Redefined

Our industry needs us to build capacity to provide more sustainable electrical energy. This requires strengthened collaboration to build resilience and capacity. We are delighted to share our collaboration stories.

Looking Back to Look Forward

At JFE Shoji Power Canada, collaboration isn’t simply a buzzword. It’s a critical practice that will help us grow as a company and improve the health of the planet and its people. Check out four particular articles from the past year, and see how we thrive by working together.

The Key to Our Collective Success

We have discussed the importance of finding strategic partners that share a common vision. In this article, CEO Ron Harper discusses JFE Shoji’s collaborative partnership with GEORG Manufacturing and how they’re expanding capacity for electrical steel component production in Canada together.